A note for you!

Hello lovely Pinchers! 

The holidays are around the corner, and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a month filled with health, joy and all the magic of the season!  

Like many of us, this time of year always causes me to pause amid the chaos for a few quiet moments of reflection. As a business owner and a mother of two, it’s never easy; 2019 has been an incredible year for Pinch of Colour, but also full of ups, downs and challenges that have made me stronger and wiser. I am so grateful for all the longstanding and new partnerships we have formed around the world, all the water initiatives we have been a part of, and all the smiles we’ve put on people’s faces—either through a lipstick or a clean glass of water!

Despite everything each of us manages in our lives—whether having a full time job, or running a business, or being a parent or caretaker—the holidays are not only a time of frenzied good cheer, they’re also a beautiful reminder that what matters most is gratitude for all we are blessed with: good health, the warmth of home, the love of family, and the company of good friends!

I am so grateful to each of you for being a part of Pinch of Colour this season—and every day. Cheers to the holidays & wishing everyone an amazing New Year!


Linda Treska, Founder


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